Art Therapy for Children and Adults Online Certificate

info Last updated 08.2023
language British English
verified_user CPD Certification
live_tv Online course
This course includes:
smart_display Hours of on-demand videos
all_inclusive Full lifetime access
dvr Assignments
workspace_premium Certificate of completion
person Expert trainer: Dr. Hayley Berman
£ 319,00


CPD Certification

The course is fully certified by the CPD, ensuring that you receive a recognised and accredited qualification. This certification demonstrates our commitment to providing high-quality education, giving you the confidence that you are engaging in a valuable and reputable learning experience.

Highlights of the 'Art Therapy for Children and Adults' Course

Unlock the Healing Power of Art Across Ages

Embark on an enlightening voyage that transcends generations, immersing yourself in the art therapy realm. Discover how the canvas becomes a portal for healing, growth, and self-discovery, adaptable to both young minds and mature spirits. The course is designed to address a wide range of difficulties, disabilities, and diagnoses, including emotional, behavioural, and mental health problems, learning or physical disabilities, as well as neurological conditions and physical illnesses. The comprehensive approach of the course encompasses a variety of therapeutic techniques and principles that can be adapted to cater to the unique needs of children with autism and other disabilities. With CPD certification the 'Art Therapy for Children' course has the potential to be a valuable resource for those interested in using art therapy to support children with autism and disabilities. By applying the principles and techniques learned in the course, participants can create a therapeutic environment that is inclusive and tailored to the unique needs of children and adults.

Crafted Curriculum for Comprehensive Understanding

Prepare to delve into a meticulously curated curriculum that unveils the intricate tapestry of art therapy. This educational odyssey systematically unveils the historical underpinnings, essential theories, and tangible techniques that form the core of art therapy. This immersive approach seamlessly interweaves theoretical insights with hands-on activities, ensuring you not only grasp the "how" but also comprehend the profound "why" behind each brushstroke and creative expression. By unraveling the layers of art therapy's essence, you'll acquire a comprehensive understanding that enriches your practice and empowers your impact.

Expert Guidance in Your Personal Space

Experience a harmonious convergence of expert mentorship and the convenience of online learning, all from the comfort of your personal sanctuary. Engage with seasoned professionals who bring a wealth of practical wisdom and theoretical depth to your learning journey. Their insights will serve as your compass as you navigate the landscape of art therapy. This unique blend of expert guidance and flexible learning ensures that you can pursue your passion without compromising on your existing commitments. As you absorb the expertise from skilled practitioners, you'll find yourself equipped to embark on a transformative journey where creativity, psychology, and healing converge in harmony.

By completing the "Art Therapy for Children and Adults Online Certificate" online course, participants will:

  • Master the Fusion of Art and Healing: Gain an in-depth understanding of how art can serve as a potent tool for healing and growth, equipping you with the ability to guide individuals of all ages on their unique therapeutic journeys.
  • Navigate Art Therapy with Confidence: Acquire a comprehensive skill set that encompasses various image-making techniques and material choices, allowing you to tailor your approach to suit the needs of diverse clients.
  • Become an Ethical and Compassionate Practitioner: Develop a strong ethical foundation and a keen awareness of the delicate dynamics within the therapeutic relationship, ensuring your practice is rooted in empathy, respect, and professionalism.
  • Conquer Challenges Effectively: Learn to address stigma, misconceptions, and power dynamics, arming you with strategies to create a safe and inclusive space where clients can explore their emotions and experiences.
  • Empower Self-Expression: Discover how to facilitate the liberation of suppressed emotions and thoughts through artistic expression, helping clients tap into their inner voice and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.
  • Elevate Your Professional Profile: With insights into the criteria for application, accreditation, and job opportunities, you'll be well-prepared to step into the role of a proficient art therapist, contributing meaningfully to the field.
  • Blend Theory with Practice: Immerse yourself in a meticulously crafted curriculum that interweaves theoretical knowledge with hands-on activities, empowering you to understand not just the techniques but the profound principles that drive art therapy.
  • Engage with Seasoned Professionals: Benefit from the mentorship of experienced art therapists who will guide you through each module, offering valuable insights and practical advice honed through their real-world experiences.
  • Flexible Learning Experience: Enjoy the flexibility of online education, allowing you to balance your studies with existing commitments, making the pursuit of your passion more accessible than ever.
  • Unlock a Transformative Journey: By the course's end, you'll be armed with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to embark on a transformative journey with your clients, igniting their potential for growth, healing, and self-expression, all while earning CPD certification to demonstrate your commitment to professional development.

Course author:

Discover Why The 'Art Therapy for Children and Adults’ Online Course Is the Ideal Next Step in Your Educational Journey:

What will you gain by taking part in the course?

New, current threads

During the lectures of the 'Art Therapy for Children and Adults' course, participants will gain profound insights into the therapeutic potential of art, understanding its role in healing, growth, and self-expression across age groups. Guided by an experienced art psychotherapist, they will grasp the essential concepts of art therapy, master techniques for addressing challenges, and cultivate a strong ethical foundation. This holistic learning experience, complete with CPD certification, will empower them to comprehend the transformative interplay of creativity, psychology, and healing, solidifying the importance of choosing this course for their educational journey.

New skills

By taking the 'Art Therapy for Children and Adults ' course, participants will acquire a diverse skill set that includes a comprehensive understanding of various image-making techniques and material selection. They will develop the ability to navigate ethical complexities, address challenges in art therapy, and tailor their approach to diverse age groups. These new skills, combined with CPD certification, will enable them to confidently guide clients through transformative journeys of self-expression, growth, and healing.


Participants taking the 'Art Therapy for Children and Adults' course will engage in hands-on practice through experiential activities and assignments. They will have the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, honing their image-making skills and material selection techniques. This practical experience, supplemented by CPD certification, will empower them to create meaningful therapeutic interactions and foster personal growth through creative expression, while also ensuring their ongoing professional development.


Experience round-the-clock availability to course materials on any device, allowing for convenient learning at your chosen time and location. Utilise downloadable resources such as notes, videos, slides, and assessments to bolster your comprehension, driving better outcomes. Embrace the freedom to learn at your individual pace and leverage a comprehensive online learning experience accessible throughout the entire year.


arrow_forward_iosModule 1
What is art therapy?
arrow_forward_iosModule 2
Key concepts and ethics of art therapy
arrow_forward_iosModule 3
Challenges in art therapy
arrow_forward_iosModule 4
Becoming an art therapist

Module 1: What is art therapy?

  • Section 1 – Art Therapy beginings
  • Section 2 – Art Therapy Definitions
  • Section 3 – The role of the Art Therapist
  • Section 4 – The function of the Art Therapy
  • Section 5 – Types of image making
  • Section 6 – Materials used in Art Therapy
  • Section 7 – Qualities of materials
  • Reading List
  • Activity Sheet

Module 2: Key concepts and ethics of art therapy

  • Section 1 – Psychotherapy modalities
  • Section 2 – Model of working
  • Section 3 - Psychoanalysis
  • Section 4 – The unconscious
  • Section 5 – Expressive therapies and neuroscience
  • Section 6 – Ethical practices of art therapy
  • Section 7 – Professional practice
  • Reading List
  • Activity Sheet

Module 3: Challenges in art therapy

  • Section 1 – Stigma against mental illness
  • Section 2 – Power privilege
  • Section 3 – Misconceptions in art therapy
  • Section 4 – The therapeutic frame
  • Section 5 – The internal frame
  • Section 6 – What is a safe space
  • Section 7 – Context for art therapy
  • Section 8 – Safe space and boundaries
  • Reading List
  • Activity Sheet

Module 4: Becoming an art therapist

  • Section 1 – Criteria for application
  • Section 2 – Accreditation
  • Section 3 – Job opportunities
  • Section 4 – The art therapist role
  • Section 5 – Providing research and evidence
  • Section 6 – Methods of research
  • Reading List
  • Activity Sheet

How do customers rate the course?

Just completed the course and loved every bit! Quick online access was super convenient. Also, a fantastic resource for anyone working with kids with autism and disabilities. If you're curious about how art can heal and grow, this course is a great resource.

Charlotte O.

Self-paced study was a win for me. Highly recommend it to anyone curious about the magic of art therapy across different ages.

Priya S.

The practical tips are already proving handy in my job. Sincerely recommend it, especially for those working with kids facing challenges, this course is perfect!

Abigail S.

Order this course


Art Therapy for Children and Adults Online Certificate

  • CPD Certification
  • Expert Trainer
  • Certificate of completion
  • 24/7 access to a modern platform
  • Access on mobile and tablets
  • Hours of on-demand videos
  • Multiple-choice Test
  • Downloadable resources
  • Suggested study: 8 weeks, 4hrs per week

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